1) Place your net on a stand or in between your thighs
2) Hold your ventilating needle on the right while your hair is held firm at the index finger of your left
3) Face your pin upward as you drive it through a hole on the net
4) grab strands of hair still your pin facing upward
5) after grabbing your hair ...twist anticlockwise or 360 starting from your right
Here the hair hooks on the tiny latch on the needle
6) pass your hair through the hole on the net you inserted your pin at first
Now you have two hair at opposite directions
7) Cross your pin to the other side of the hair which is being held by your left hand
8) hook it
9) pass it this time through the tiny hole on hair from opposite side
10) once you pull through ....voilla😃...it knots...and you tighten it more with your hands to make sure the knots are strong enough